Monday, February 21, 2005

Its ALWAYS mommy's fault...

Awright folks. Back after a great weekend. A nice, laid back weekend. Spent Friday night at a hookah bar called, um, Cafe Hookah, with some friends, beer and, um, a hookah.;) Spent Saturday recovering. Decided to speed it up so rustled up some authentic south indian stuff for the homies - Poondu rasam, vathkuzhambu, kos curry with peas and appalam. Washed all that down with more beer. Did even LESS on Sunday. And then read THIS piece on Monday that made me run straight back to the refridgerator for more beer.
For all those who believe that your failure isn't your fault, here's an all-time great article that should go into your scrapbook. Wrote a scathing email to my mom, after reading which she referred me to HER mom 'cos that's where the buck stops, apparently. 'Punnakku' was all my patti had to say...;)

Friday, February 18, 2005

Snap back to reality, Oh there goes gravity...

Ah. Sweet, SWEET, poignant irony. After a week of flowery, chocolatey madness; a week of single people being told to ignore the world and love themselves, and couples drowning in chocolates, flowers and chocolate flowers, an article in the BBC kinda brought me back to earth with a thud. I must warn you, though. This article is so profound on so many levels it just might blow your mind...

Thursday, February 10, 2005


Awright, before you get all excited, this is NOT some Being John Malkovich-ian exercise. I'm just trying to clear some of the clutter in my head and make sense of my thoughts. I don't know if this going to be a diary, a log or just a chronologically sorted set of rants. BUT I'm well aware that a few of you need to throw in your prodigious two cents, so just mail me and we'll set that up.
Its amazing how I had SO much to say BEFORE I started this blog...

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Ita erat quando hic adveni.

Abandon hope all ye who enter here.